Up Agin Da Rock
Up Agin da Rock
My dad told me this story, supposedly true, some years ago. He had a collection of many such stories.
It seems that the Anglican Bishop of Newfoundland would go around in his vessel performing baptisms, weddings, communions and the like, at the various communities around the coast, sometimes well after the fact. On one occasion he arrived at one community and in conversation with Uncle Garge asked how his family was doing. Uncle Garge replied that all were well, except for his daughter. “Well”, replied the Bishop, “what’s her problem”?, “Well, Skipper Bishop,” Uncle Garge replied, pointing to his daughter with a group of friends, “its my daughter; dar she is up agin da rock, and narry a ting done to her yit”, referring, of course, to her communion.
Only in NL.
John Cornick
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Submitted By: John Cornick
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