If I Could But Let My Thoughts Roam Out
If I could but let my thoughts roam out
Along the shoreline on this beautiful day
It would so ease my troubled mind
And all my fears allay
If I could but let my thoughts roam out
And soar so free along the bay
And see below my beloved home
Laid out in full array
Could I but let my thoughts roam out
On this first day of Spring
Here in this wonderful isle of ours
Where sights and sounds so truly ring
Could I but let my thoughts roam out
Amid the warm and sunny sky
That is Summer there in all it's charm
It holds me fast I can't deny
If I could but let my thoughts roam out
And soar amongst my kinfolk there
Where Autumn's colors fills the scene
Presenting colors so very rare
If I could but let my thoughts roam out
And touch my loved ones there below
Amid the cold and blustery scene
That is Winter there in Conception Bay
Could I but let my thoughts roam out
To sacred scenes of yesteryear
So clear in my mind's eye
They bring to me a tear
Could I but let my thoughts roam out
In times of joy or times of stress
It would for me be a wonderful feeling
One of greatest feelings I guess
John Cornick
Halifax, Nova Scotia
May 27, 2016
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