The Ties That Bind
The Ties that Bind Dear Downhome: I enjoyed reading Joan Fantina’s article in a recent issue of Downhome entitled “Reunion Memories; End of an Era”. It was a heart-warming account of a family group’s return to Fox Harbour in search of their roots. It is yet another example of the strong bonds that bind Newfoundlanders together, and their response to the call of the homeland to revisit. Although I left NL to further my career over fifty years ago, I have always had a soft spot in my heart for down home, and since retiring in 1994 in Nova Scotia, I find the call to revisit my roots even stronger as years go by, and do so yearly if I can. Reunions are great way to perpetuate the ties that bind. John Cornick Halifax, Nova Scotia Submitted By: John Cornick
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