The Pitcher Plant
The Pitcher Plant <br /> <br /> The Pitcher Plant so rare and wild<br /> Grows in our bogs for many miles<br /> Tis the flower symbol of our isle<br /> And has been so since I was a child<br /> <br /> My grandmother was a flower lover<br /> She collected and pressed them by the score<br /> Wherever she found them any place<br /> Be it mountain, meadow or by the shore<br /> <br /> Her flowers were of the delicate kind<br /> Usually colorful and dainty in the ground<br /> But the Pitcher plant was a real challenge<br /> Pressing it a mean task so she found<br /> <br /> But press them she did<br /> And I'll never know how<br /> Her response when asked about it was<br /> The secret stays with me I allow<br /> <br /> When pressing flowers she was an expert<br /> And grandmother had trade secrets by the score<br /> And try as we might we were never able<br /> To successfully pry loose those secrets galore <br /> <br /> John Cornick<br /> Halifax, Nova Scotia<br /> <br /> Photo: Pitcher Plant needlework courtesy of my late sister-in law, Mildred (Shute) Fisher<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Submitted By: John Cornick
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