Sullen Deep Dark Waters
Sullen deep dark waters
They press so near my soul
Etched forever in my heart
They take on me a mighty toll.
Where can I hide to get away
And suppress those feelings deep
That haunt me to my very core
And make me prone to weep
A haunting melody so blue
Comes lilting o’er the waves foam-clad
And conjures up within my mind
Those images so clear and sad
Of times long past when as a child
I lay on beaches of granite pearl
Allowing waves to reach me there
And 'round my feet to curl
And in each wave I see the faces
Of long since departed loved ones dear
Who graced my life in love serene
Who never more will reappear
As all we have to hold on to
They linger on in mind so clear
To remind me of the fact
They’re gone forever, no reunion here.
Submitted By: John Cornick
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