Shi*ty Situation
My husband, brother-in-law, and myself were working in a chicken barn a few years ago. We were cleaning it out for the next batch of chickens. My brother-in-law was on the top floor on the little tractor, and my husband was on the big tractor on the bottom floor taking the manure away. My job was to stand by the hole on the top floor and watch for my husband to come in, and let my brother-in-law know when to dump. Oops, I forgot. Well what a mess. The engine stalled on the tractor and my husband was buried in chicken manure. I mean he was buried from head to toe, pockets and all. All I could do was laugh and he didn’t smell the greatest. PS. We are still married, but I no longer have that job. Rose Noel McIvers, NL
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Great laugh.