House Flags
House Flags Dear Ron: I wonder if any of your readers can assist me? Years ago NL merchant firms had “house flags” which they flew on their vessels and premises to identify themselves. The attached photo taken from the Encyclopaedia of NL, Vol 2 shows some of those flags assigned to some of the larger firms in St. John’s. I believe smaller firms around the island also had house flags. I have been trying to find out exactly how these flags were assigned and in particular what was the design of the house flag of my great grandparents firm of J & G Smith of Brigus back in the early century. In a book entitled “Forty Years at the Labrador Fishery”, 1936, author Nicholas Smith talks about the house flag of that firm but gave no details, so I know they had one. If any reader can help me it would be much appreciated. I can be reached at: 79 Bedros Lane, Unit 307, Halifax, NS, B3M 4X5 or at john.cornick@ns.sympatico.ca. Thank you. John Cornick Halifax, Nova Scotia Submitted By: John Cornick
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