Eva Porated Milk
Eva Porated Milk <br /> <br /> We seem to often mispronounce<br /> The words we read but do not hear pronounced<br /> My Dad he was a word collector of strength<br /> And he would often expound them at length<br /> <br /> And one he was most famous for<br /> And he often repeated it by the score<br /> Was the word evaporated on the Carnation can <br /> That milk so famous in our land<br /> <br /> For Uncle George from down the shore<br /> When asking for the milk to pour<br /> Would say please pass the Eva Porated<br /> Now there is a phrase that is underrated<br /> <br /> For in the jargon of our land<br /> It does not appear to be at hand<br /> But we should see it does not languish<br /> And include it in the Dictionary of Newfoundland English <br /> <br /> <br /> John Cornick<br /> Halifax, Nova Scotia<br /> <br /> Submitted By: John Cornick
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