Dust Bunnies
Dust Bunnies
Dust bunnies are well known hereabout
I see them every where my ole trout
At least that's what I used to say
When visiting my cousin around the bay
My cousin she was a housekeeper's delight
And bunnies were never ever in sight
But I teased her endlessly and with all my might
And that would really make my night
She knew I was teasing and putting her down
But she never let it result in a frown
She knew that was only my way to engage
In friendly banter my thoughts to assuage
Things progressed on at such a rip
That I was finally inspecting on every trip
And issuing certificates solely reserved
For tidiness when they were really deserved
This joke between us became such a bond
It enriched our relationship of which I was fond
Then finally I ended my charade of test
By formally telling her I was impressed
And that there would be no further need
For more inspections and she should take heed
That I would be stopping my tirade
Indicating she finally passed the grade
Now this all happened some years ago
And the inspections I did finally forgo
The whole affair became our secret discrete
And is mentioned in talk whenever we meet
And still to this day of me she loves to refer
As the dust bunny inspector out to get her
But we both know deep down inside
It's term of endearment when we're side by side
So cousin if you are on line out there
Please understand and be aware
It was fun at the time and all done in jest
And not really meant to put you to the test
A little poem of endearment to my beloved tidy cousin, with a wink.
John Cornick
Halifax, Nova Scotia
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