Bawns <br /> <br /> In those places along our farflung shores<br /> Where stony beaches were available for the take<br /> The fishermen used them to great advantage<br /> To dry their cod on instead of the flake<br /> <br /> First used by the French who fished off the banks<br /> And split and cured fish aboard their boat<br /> Then brought them ashore at Grand Bank or Placentia<br /> And spread them to dry on vast beaches of note<br /> <br /> And women would labour from morning to night<br /> Turning and piling the fish on the bawn<br /> And watching the weather for signs of the rain<br /> Which might start to fall at just about dawn<br /> <br /> If so the fish would be piled into faggots<br /> All ready for spreading if weather did clear<br /> By women appearing from out of nowhere<br /> Who would spread the fish singly and with great care<br /> <br /> Once spreading was done it was back to the kitchens<br /> Preparing a meal for a hungry crowd on return<br /> Be it salt fish and brewis or cod tongues and cheeks<br /> Fine fare that all Newfies so often for yearn <br /> <br /> John Cornick<br /> Halifax, Nova Scotia<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Submitted By: John Cornick
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