Nanny’s Dahlia

This dahlia I planted for my grandmother Eva Dowden who passed away on the first day of spring in 2005. This beautiful flower first popped its head out of the ground on the first day of summer in 2009 and has now taken over my garden!   Submitted By: Nikki Ralph


This is a piece of driftwood we found at our cabin in Gander Cove, Bonavista Bay, NL   Submitted By: Nikki Ralph

Trees Entwined

One of many crooked trees you can find at Crooked Tree Park in Sandy Cove, NL   Submitted By: Nikki Ralph

Crashing Waves

Waves crashing on the rocks on a beautiful summer day at Cape Spear, St. Johns, NL   Submitted By: Nikki Ralph

Babbling Brook

We found this running brook after a heavy rainstorm by our cabin in Gander Cove, Bonavista Bay, NL.   Submitted By: Nikki Ralph

Berries Galore

Here in Burnside next to the archaeology centre the blueberries and partridgeberries were so plentiful it was hard to walk without stepping on any!   Submitted By: Nikki Ralph

Nanny’s Dahlia

This is a picture of a dahlia I planted in loving memory of my wonderful grandmother Eva Dowden who passed away on the first day of summer (June 21) in 2005. This beautiful flower first popped out of the ground on the first day of summer this year (2009) and is now the biggest flower…