Find Your Yurtopia

What’s your ideal getaway? Do you seek solace off the beaten path? Away from the hustle and bustle of city living? Do you strive for peace, tranquillity and quiet comforts without having to outright rough it? Yurtopia could be your hidden haven. Conceived by the husband and wife team of Jeff and Jane Sears, Yurtopia…

When Dogs Roamed Free

By Roy Dwyer There was a time when dogs were plentiful in the harbour. Back then, families that didn’t have a horse usually had one or two dogs which, when harnessed to a hand-slide, were useful for hauling water and firewood during the winter months. Gunners found them useful as well. While most gunners used…

Classic Fun – Isle aux Morts’ annual Winter Classic hockey weekend

This month, February 16-17, all of Isle aux Morts will turn out for the annual Winter Classic hockey weekend. Foster Hewitt’s familiar sign-on crackles over the airways. It’s Saturday night, “Hockey Night in Canada,” and all across Newfoundland and Labrador, fans are crowding around radios and TVs to follow the play-by-play. Our long, cold winters lend…