Wonderful memories of my Mom Hogan
My maternal grand mother wanted to be referred to as Mom Hogan 'God rest her soul'
Maybe being referred to as Nan or Nanny made her feel old
I was the oldest so I was the only one lucky enough to have memories of her
My brother and next oldest cousins' memories are probably a blur
I remember sleepovers with my dear Mom Hogan in Northern Bay
She'd make me cheesy toast in the oven and spoil me rotten what can I say
In the last years of her life Mom Hogan lived with us in our home
It was so nice having her there every day, I never felt alone
I remember Mom Hogan taping her fingers on my wall in the early morn
I'd go for a cuddle and a hug, her embrace was so warm
Mom Hogan would always buy me apple turnovers and Mountain Dew
I wish I had more time and appreciated her more if I only knew
I was only 6 or 7 years old when she passed away
But my memories of her are still very clear to this day
My mother is now Mom Hogan the 2nd to her beautiful grandchildren
Will I be Mom Hogan the 3rd or Nanny or Nana, I can't wait till when~
Submitted By: Alicia "Celeste" Loughrey
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