The Trestle (aka The Trussel)
The end of a beautiful ’Track’ walk
A nice place to go with a friend and talk
Many a teenage secret was shared
Some laughs, giggles and even some tears
One of my favourite things to do when I’m visiting home
Company are welcome but sometimes it’s nice to go alone
I can smell the squished dogberries and the future Christmas trees
It’s warm on a sunny day but from the ocean there’s always a cool breeze
To hear the running brook as you get near
Is a welcomed sound, one I love to hear
To sit on the high pillars that was made for a long ago train
Is contentment in itself and a feeling I want to experience again and again
Most tourists may not appreciate and understand
But I love to walk to the ‘Trestle’ of Northern Bay Sands
Alicia ‘Celeste’ Loughrey (nee Delaney) formerly of Northern Bay, CBN North
Submitted By: Alicia "Celeste" Loughrey
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