The forgotten hugs
I remember your arms, folded, resolute, oh how I ache for them to hold me,
yet silently they control me
Salvaged images of your face, handsome, determined yet undaunted when I cried.
Bewildered and saddened, my tears I can not hide.
Pretentious hope tip toes into my dreams, tangible yet futile I reach for you, awaken to grasp the dawn
Once more to find you gone.
Secretly I glance as he holds her tiny hand, she climbs high upon his knee, once again my heart is triggered
How I wish it could be me
You left when I was little, no fare well or good bye, I embrace no memory of my hug
For years I've wondered why
Surely you must of hugged me once and wiped away my tears, how I stuggle to remember
Has it been too many years.
So I live in faith and trust in God, grant me my tomorrow, one day your arms will reach me
And release me of my sorrow
Submitted By: donna malarsky
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