Tales From Away~Why I Love The Color Green #Iluvgreen
Whomever/whatever created the color green, I want to personally thank (God in my religion)�the colors of the earth are so beautiful and vivid, it�s amazing to me. As I walked my dog today I was hit with the smell of freshly cut green green grass and it did put a smile on my face-especially while looking aggressively for a new a job has given me a bit of a permanent frown. The delights of nature can awaken one�s senses; especially the sense of smell for sure. The smell of the grass along with all the pretty wildflowers, especially lilacs, is like a sweet perfume made especially for you by a higher power. It�s like they�re saying �hey, smarten up and enjoy the little, beautiful things in life.�<br /> <br /> I remember the smell of the long grass (left to grow purposely over the spring and summer) that my dad would cut with his side blade for hay. That cut grass would be picked up with a pitchfork and piled in hay stacks to dry throughout the garden and used to feed the horse that we kept. That horse that we kept was used to transport the wood that we would cut (from the groves inland) and that wood we would burn to keep our house warm at night and early mornings before school. This paragraph is starting to sound like the tone of �This is the House That Jack Built.� In the early fall after the grass was all cut and raked, the fathers and/or men in Newfoundland would actually burn the leftover dry grass to make it grow back nice and strong for the next year. Sometimes in the fall, here in Ontario-aka �the mainland,� I get a whiff of burning grass and I think to myself �can it really be?� �Can it really be another person from Newfoundland maybe, up here burning his grass too, like we did back home?� I don�t really know and it doesn�t really matter, all I know is that I welcome and savor the smell and the memory. I think most fellow NLers would understand and appreciate this memory as well.<br /> <br /> Then there are the green vegetables that are so great and good for you. Some other nationalities do also like and use the strange green vegetables that I used to eat in Newfoundland. Dandelion (which is now proven its packed with vitamins) and greens/turnip tops. For those lacking in Iron and for those who remember that awful tasting medicine we had to drink when we were young (it came in a brown glass bottle), eating more green vegetables is the answer. There are so many recipes out there now incorporating these vitamin packed green vegetables that there is no excuse not to consume them or include them in our daily meals. Even putting them in shakes so that we can�t really taste them is an option. The more green vegetables that we eat, the more that we come to actually like them and our body will crave them.<br /> <br /> Last, but definitely not the least, green is the official color of recycling. I am a true believer and advocate in the �go green or go home� concept. We were given this beautiful earth to live on and we, each and every one of us, are responsible for taking care of it. Eight years ago I made this statement on a review for one of Tony O�Leary�s music CDs and I still stand by it today, �I totally support your cause & I myself do what I can to protect the environment with recycling and such. I truly believe in the message that Al Gore advocates �Global Warming is not a Political issue it�s a Personal one� and if everyone does their part we have a good chance.�<br /> <br /> Green is clean, and good, and wholesome, and I do I do �I Luv Green!�<br /> <br /> www.talesfromaway.com Submitted By: Alicia "Celeste" Loughrey
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