Tales From Away-Sunday Evening Blahs!
On Sundays, day of rest, I am a mess. Everything I pick up falls out of my hands, I bump into everything and I am a klutz. I guess it is all the hustle and bustle of the week catching up to me.<br /> <br /> Then I get all blue-I think I am in denial that the weekend is over and I am not ready to go back to work yet. Thank goodness for periodic Holiday Mondays. Although, I am truly thankful for having a good job as I was off for a little bit too long last year-I am a person who has to work or I go stir crazy.<br /> <br /> A while ago I wrote this little poem, but I felt I needed to write a more elaborate blog too; to see if I am the only who feels this way Sunday evenings/nights.<br /> <br /> Oh those Sunday evening blahs!<br /> <br /> They sneak up on me every weekend I have to say<br /> Even though I try to be busy, to keep them at bay<br /> <br /> It is usually when I go for my Sunday evening walk<br /> The memories of home come through so strongly, they can actually talk<br /> <br /> It could be as insignificant as the whiff of a fresh wild rose<br /> Or the passing of a house with a wood burning fireplace I suppose<br /> <br /> The sight of drying grass that could be turned into hay<br /> The smell of the hot pavement that reminds me of sand in Northern Bay<br /> <br /> I sit in my patio swing and lovingly reflect<br /> On the Sundays of home out on my deck~<br /> <br /> I researched Sunday night blahs online and found this interesting snippet:<br /> <br /> The Sunday blues have dropped by for a visit. Flip Side of TGIF <br /> <br /> It is the flip side of TGIF (thank God, it is Friday). The weekend, which started with such bright promise, is now inexorably rolling toward a conclusion. Even if things are going right, those Sunday blues have mysteriously reappeared, bringing mild depression, echoes of loneliness, or a twinge of malaise or melancholy.<br /> <br /> The article which was published September 8th, 1991, sort of coincides to what I mentioned in my opening paragraph-about the hustle and bustle of the week catching up with me. The most likely culprit, they speculate, is the imbalance between weekend sleep-wake cycles and the internal biological clock set by evolution to the cycle of day and night.<br /> <br /> Yes, that does about sum it up-even though I love staying up late and sleeping in on the weekends, I do not believe it is good for the psyche. To go to bed early on the weekends (unless I fall asleep), and get up early (which I do sometimes because of an appointment), is not going to happen! So I have to tell myself to suck it up buttercup and ride the wave of the Sunday night blahs, that I must do!<br /> <br /> Take care (& watch out for those Sunday eve blahs!) and all the best~Celeste<br /> Submitted By: Alicia "Celeste" Loughrey
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