Queen Mab’s Song
In response to a letter in the Nov 2020 issue of the Downhome, I recall the poem Queen Mab's Song that he mentioned. It was written by William Shakespeare and I found it in Book Four of the Treasury Readers. I still have a copy after approximately 70 years, though it's pretty dilapidated now. Queen Mab's Song Come, follow, follow me All the fairies that there be. Skip lightly on the green And follow Mab, your queen. Hand-in-hand we dance around For this place is fairy ground. Upon a mushroom's head Our tablecloth we spread A grain of rye or wheat Is the food that we do eat. Pearly drops of dew we drink In acorn cups filled to the brink. A gnat, the fly, the bee, They are our fiddlers three. All night we dance and sing Around our fairy ring; And if the moon does hide her head The glow-worm lights us home to bed. On tops of dewy grass So nimbly do we pass. The young and tender stalk Ne'er bends as we do walk. Yet in the morning may be seen Where the night before have been. William Shakespeare Also from the same reader is Children, Children Don't Forget by Dora Owen. Children, Children, Don't Forget Children, children, don't forget There are elves and fairies yet. Where the knotty hawthorn grows Look for prints of fairy toes. Where the grassy rings are green Moonlight dances shall be seen. Watch and wait: O lucky you, If you find a fairy shoe! For a ransom he will pay, Hobbling barefoot all the day. Lay it on his mushroom seat Wish your wish and go your way. If you will be so discreet Never fear by he will pay. Dora Owen Incidentally, in that same reader are other long-time favourite poems, such as John Gilpin, The Duel, Out to Old Aunt Mary's, The Village Blacksmith, and The Miller of the Dee. I'd like to own more of the Treasury Readers but it's been so long. I hope you enjoy this and that you will be "transported" a little in your mind to our "good old days." Shirley V. Young Little Harbour Twillingate, NL Submitted By: NULL
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