Promise, cross my heart
I learned my lesson well years ago<br /> In my high school days, I've come to know<br /> <br /> That a secret should be kept at any cost<br /> The repercussions can lead to a good friend's loss<br /> <br /> Even if it's not secret at a sworn request<br /> If hurtful, I will not repeat, I promise this<br /> <br /> Much too often secrets are rumors that can fester<br /> The innocent object of attention is made a sad jester<br /> <br /> It is said that a secret is human nature to be shared<br /> But it can surely remain between two souls that are bared<br /> <br /> So don't be upset with me if you find I'm in the know<br /> As my good friend once said "it's not my story to tell", years ago<br /> <br /> When someone tells me a secret, I hold it well<br /> If I cross my heart, I promise I will never tell~ Submitted By: Alicia "Celeste" Loughrey
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