Patience, patience, patience
Sometimes one has to have 'the patience of a saint' they say
Saint Monica, mother of St. Augustine, is one of whom to pray
'Hold your horses' is a term most Newfoundlanders use quite a bit
My son often asks, what is the meaning of it?
Recently, my patience has surely been tried
In an effort to find employment, a stressful task that cannot be denied
Looking for a job these days 'you got to have some patience, I tell ya'
It's not like 25 years ago, I'm so in awe
Times have changed, job hunting 'is not like it was'
"Things have gone modern and I s'pose that's the cause"
But I will have faith and I will persevere
I will have the right job for me, before the end of the year~
Submitted By: Alicia "Celeste" Loughrey
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