Motor Mix-Up
On February 1st, 2015, I purchased a 2011 Toyota Corolla at our used car dealership. Five days later, I stopped at the pharmacy to pick up my prescription. Upon returning to my car, I pointed the key fob and clicked it. Nothing happened. I walked up closer and tried it again, still nothing. I was getting the key ready to put into the lock. As I was doing this I looked through the window, realizing the interior was different. I quickly looked up and down the street and across the road to see if anyone was looking. Then I walked to the front of the car. On the grill, "Ford" was written. It was the same style and colour as my Toyota! Don't laugh yet, there's more - I drove over two blocks and parked in the parking lot. I did my shopping, came back to the car, and did it again. The fob didn't work. It was the FORD. My car was two stalls over. I had a good laugh and drove home. That had never happened to me before and hasn't happened since. Dale Mattson Claresholm, AB
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