Lifebuoy Soap
Lifebuoy Soap <br /> <br /> This morning I awoke to the smell of soap<br /> It was Lifebuoy as I remember of old<br /> That pungent carbolic acid aroma<br /> Brought back vivid memories untold<br /> <br /> Why the sudden rush of visions<br /> Puzzled me for a short while until<br /> Remembering my anatomy I realized with a smile<br /> It was the Limbic System at work on my will<br /> <br /> That tiny organ deep in our brain<br /> The one that controls our emotions and drive<br /> Summoning firmly vivid memories of old <br /> So important for us to sexually survive<br /> <br /> The memories summoned were so very clear<br /> Of time spent aboard an old tramp steamer<br /> The SS Brigus during the summer of fifty two<br /> As assistant to the chief steward, a dreamer<br /> <br /> My chores included replenishing supplies <br /> In officers cabins, and making bunks <br /> And changing the sheets when so needed<br /> And arranging items on personal trunks<br /> <br /> Seasickness plagued me the entire trip<br /> Clinging fiercely to davits I strove to survive<br /> The help from a cruel fourth officer aboard<br /> Who suggested oranges as a way to revive<br /> <br /> And that the worst he could have suggested<br /> The acid made for more sickness so bad<br /> Until someone took pity and remedied the problem<br /> Saying soda biscuits in the galley could be had.<br /> <br /> Thus the connection of sickness and soap<br /> Linked firmly in my mind there is no doubt<br /> Will stay with me always when ever I smell<br /> A cake of Lifebuoy from anywhere about.<br /> <br /> <br /> This little ditty describes the memories evoked when I smell a bar of Lifebuoy Soap.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> John Cornick<br /> Halifax, Nova Scotia<br /> <br /> <br /> Submitted By: John Cornick
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