Katie ” the animal whisperer “
This is my daughter and her newest pony "Bailey." My daughter Katie is a very special person. Her love for animals is very deep. She is 13 years old now, but has been taken will all animals since the time she was 2 and found some stray kittens, which of course came home with us, and she found homes for all of them. Then when she was 6 her friend had caught some very wild kittens and had them in a cage to bring to the vet to be put down. But Katie, at 6 years old, was not having that. She took two of the kittens - wild and wooly - and calmed them with a touch you could only see to believe. Those kittens we still have to this day and are now 6 1/2 years old. Then there were gold fish, puppy dogs and all the typical childhood pets. Then she took a liking to ponies, so our first was purchased three years ago "Timmie," or Tiny Tim because he was so small and had bad leggs. But that didn't matter to Katie, she fell in love and home with us Timmie came. Our little pygmy goat "Gizmo" is also small for his age and a little fragile, but this also didn't matter to her. Katie loved him and he too also came home, but unfortunately died a few weeks later. Our hearts were broken. In this picture is a friend for Timmie, another pony "Bailey," just seven months old and a little frisky. But after being with Katie for only a few days, she is eating out of her hands and following her like a puppy. Katie's love for animals is contagious, for we are as in love with them as her. My mom says Katie has a connection with animals that is a blessing. I call her "the animal whisperer." Submitted By: connie stgeorge
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