Honour to man is not just a name But is the fuel that can ignite the flame And a man of honour will stand above the rest Because his courage has stood the test Pure in mind, stout of heart He takes each task in hand And carves a place for lesser men So they may not have to stand But as the throngs stand back in awe Viewing the image of God's creation They lose themselves amongst the crowd And become drowned by the jubilation Oh great masters of thine art The blood you shed still flows But dwindling weakly from the wounds By the constance of man's foes Perhaps the spirits you have left still lingering Behind the cloak of an unknown face Will regain its strength and leap forth To reclaim its rightful place To those great men of mankind I bow my head in shame For as one of those lost in the crowd I accept my share of blame C. George Barham Submitted By: NULL
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