Homemade Pancakes for My Son
Working from home one day I thought I'd surprise my son<br /> <br /> He doesn't usually wake up to 'homemade pancakes', rather a grab of something and run<br /> <br /> He was definitely pleasantly surprised to say the least<br /> <br /> A 'stay at home mom' I am not, but I am from down East<br /> <br /> My Mom was one and I loved having her at home<br /> <br /> But I, myself cannot and need to be out in the workforce<br /> <br /> I sometimes feel guilty and wonder if my son missed out<br /> <br /> But he wouldn't have the 'keeping up with the Jonses' benefits and he would pout<br /> <br /> I know my son appreciates all that I do for him<br /> <br /> My life, I would give for him, or at least a limb~ Submitted By: Alicia "Celeste" Loughrey
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