Fall is my Favorite Color
As I walk my dog on this September moon filled night<br /> I find myself sad and happy all at the same time<br /> <br /> I'm sad that summer is almost over and officially done<br /> But I'm happy that my beloved fall is about to begin<br /> <br /> Back goes the shorts and tank tops that are to be put away<br /> Out comes the sweater weather clothes to be worn on a crisp day<br /> <br /> I get this rueful feeling with the transition of each new season<br /> Not sure why and don't think there is a known reason<br /> <br /> I welcome change but struggle with it a little I shall<br /> It does get better if I'm patient and wait for a while<br /> <br /> For change will come whether we're ready or not<br /> We have to go with the flow as it can't be fought<br /> <br /> The sadness of summer leaving brings the happiness of fall<br /> Fall is my favorite color and I love this season most of all~ Submitted By: Alicia "Celeste" Loughrey
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