Camping on Western Bay Line
As a child ‘the line’ seemed like a longer drive Due to the excitement it felt like forever before we arrived Our parents went right to work setting up the tent While we busied ourselves helping and trying not to torment Gathering big rocks and sticks for the night’s fire Anxiously awaiting the dark to retire Cooking wieners and marshmallows over the blaze Singing songs and dancin yourself into a haze Staying up past bedtime you’d hit the tent with a crash But it would be the best sleep that for you could ever ask Waking up in the morn to the beautiful bird’s sounds Forgetting all about sleeping on the ground Those were the days when camping was adored But as an adult it becomes more of a chore We have to keep in mind the happiness it brings the little ones To them it’s all an adventure and lots of fun Alicia ‘Celeste’ Loughrey Ajax, ON (formerly of Northern Bay, CBN, NL) Submitted By: Alicia "Celeste" Loughrey
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