Beautiful Lilacs~
My best memory of my maternal grandmother (Mom) Hogan was her beautiful Lilac tree
It bloomed every year in her front garden, facing the sea
The smell was so enticing and pleasantly sweet
When the wind would blow your way, the scent could not be beat
Mom Hogan would always clip some and present on her kitchen table
It would be hard to leave the room for the alluring scent, if you were able
Lilac trees, like pretty wild roses will be around until the end of time
They will always be cherished and never go out of style
I love to pass by Lilac trees when out for an evening stroll
Their scent and color speak of a beauty that cannot be told
I will display them like my maternal grandmother used to do
And continue on this lovely tradition Mom Hogan, that reminds me of you~
Submitted By: Alicia "Celeste" Loughrey
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