At The Window
At The Window<br /> <br /> Aunt Susie spent most all of her lifetime,<br /> in this little house by the side of the way;<br /> And sometimes she'd sit in her chair at the table,<br /> and look out on the waters of Bonavis' Bay.<br /> <br /> In March month she'd sit as evenings did lengthen,<br /> and look at the pack ice jammed close to the shore;<br /> And think to herself that springtime is coming,<br /> and soon she'd be rid of the snow 'round the door.<br /> <br /> With June month approaching, she'd sit at the window,<br /> and watch the sun setting far out to the west;<br /> It seemed only a forthnight ago it was setting,<br /> in by Southern Head when the daylight was less.<br /> <br /> Throughout the summer when she had a moment,<br /> she'd sit at the table for a quick cup of tea;<br /> And look at the fishing boats bobbing at anchor,<br /> out on the grounds where the codfish would be.<br /> <br /> When autumn turned stormy, from there at the table,<br /> she would look at the spray flying high on the shore;<br /> From the breakers that flung right into the landwash,<br /> while up high above she could watch the gulls soar.<br /> <br /> Because time has a way of passing unnoticed,<br /> she sat at the window, now a cold winter's day;<br /> No sunshine, no boats, no sparkling blue colors,<br /> just slate-grey waters out on Bonavis' Bay.<br /> <br /> And over a lifetime, she had pleasant moments,<br /> at the window, at the table, looking out on the bay;<br /> But today she wondered if she'd look out in May month,<br /> for some reason today, spring seemed so far away.<br /> Submitted By: wayne taylor
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