A Good Load of Birch Wood
My mother always loved to have a few chunks of birch on hand<br /> It's best to heat up a house fast, any Newfoundlander will understand<br /> <br /> It was fun to peel the bark off to ignite the fire and see it grow<br /> Not knowing or appreciating then, all the uses it once had years ago<br /> <br /> The bark was used for making boats and homes of natives that possessed the land<br /> Also used as paper to make inscriptions in the 12th century by hand<br /> <br /> A stand of birch trees can make a beautiful eerie sight<br /> Their white bark shines on a icy crisp day and reflects in the night<br /> <br /> One could almost anticipate fairies to be dancing through them on a whim<br /> Their whispering sounds emanating fairy like tales of the Brothers Grimm<br /> <br /> Today I appreciate birch wood for smooth unrefined pieces though out the home<br /> But I'll never forget the warmth it gave off, as I once sat by the stove~ Submitted By: Alicia "Celeste" Loughrey
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