A Collection of Newfoundland Fishermen Poems-The Fishermen of Newfoundland
Are scarce and of a hardy select few <br /> Because of the Moratorium, many had to fly the coop <br /> These men and women do us so proud <br /> Continuing on with the vocation of our ancestors, to them I bow <br /> For they are of the admirable and strong <br /> Making an honest living, will never be wrong <br /> They chose to stay and make a living out of fishing <br /> To others that left to make their fortune, is a lot of wishing <br /> It is worth it to work as hard as a fisherman throughout the day <br /> Because they are able to savor all the joys of the bay <br /> They head out on the water early in the morn <br /> For them, beautiful sunrises and sunsets to adorn <br /> Sometimes, even though beautiful, the sea can get rough <br /> But it don't frighten them none, they're made of quality stuff <br /> It's one of Mother Nature's mysteries that can't be defined <br /> How the beautiful ocean can turn angry on a dime <br /> But no matter what, they keep going back come rain or shine <br /> You can't keep them away, don't even try <br /> So to the Fishermen of Newfoundland, I salute you today <br /> Godspeed and may he be with you always~ Submitted By: Alicia "Celeste" Loughrey
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