A Collection of Newfoundland Fishermen Poems-Married to a Fisherman (Soliloquy)
"Why did I fear it so when I was a young maid? <br /> I thought I wanted or needed to get away from the 'Fishing Village' life back then. <br /> All I saw of it was desperation and mostly poverty. <br /> There was never enough money to have seconds at supper, or for school trips. <br /> Money doesn't buy happiness but it can sure pull a once happy family apart. <br /> I had to get away back then, so that I wouldn't be pulled into the same situation. <br /> But I need not have feared the life of a fisherman's wife. <br /> For it is an admirable one, I'm old and wise enough to know that now. <br /> I apologize to my ancestors for feeling that way. <br /> Somehow I was born an independent woman, head strong if you will. <br /> Too headstrong with tunnel vision not to see the vocation for what it was and still is. <br /> It's a wonderful, honorable vocation and any woman should be proud to be married to a fisherman..." Submitted By: Alicia "Celeste" Loughrey
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