A Brisk Walk
A brisk walk heals all ailments, our grandmother Delaney used to say<br /> She would surely know as she could walk around the bay<br /> <br /> With her short legs she could outwalk me by a mile<br /> When I think of her now, on my face is a smile<br /> <br /> If you have a headache or you need to clear your head<br /> Try not taking medication, go for a walk instead<br /> <br /> I am reminded of this when I go for my daily walks<br /> I miss nan so much and all of our good talks<br /> <br /> The wind blowing in my hair, the sun on my face<br /> Brings back memories of nan and a happy place<br /> <br /> She was a very wise woman and well before her time<br /> In our souls, nanny Delaney will always be enshrined<br /> <br /> So try going for a walk, when all else fails<br /> A brisk walk will do the trick when to no avail~ Submitted By: Alicia "Celeste" Loughrey
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