'LOOK WHAT FOLLOWED ME HOME!! This is brother, Matt O`leary from Fox Harbour, Placentia Bay. Matt was fishing in Davis Cove and went ashore. There was a moose and her ''baby'' (approx. 3 days old)onshore. The startled cow moose took off in the water, swimming upshore. When trying to get out of the water, she broke her leg, but still managed to take off, abandoning her baby. Matt left shore to go home but, the baby kept swimming after the boat crying. Matt put the baby moose back on shore a couple times and finally said shag it and took him home. He nursed the calf for a couple of days, feeding hime through a glove. After a couple of days he called the Ministry of Wildlife andthey came and put the calf in a nature park in Salmonier Line. Not being sure if the calf was cow or bull my brother named it He/She. ' Submitted By: NULL
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