Sisterly Love

My daughters Olivia and Abigail say Merry Christmas to each other with a big Christmas kiss.   Submitted By: Amanda Kosher (nee: Brake)

My Girls

My beautiful daughters get a new baby sister for Christmas. Olivia and Abigail welcome Isabelle home.   Submitted By: Amanda Kosher (nee: Brake)

Abigail’s First Clam

This is a picture of my very happy daughter, Abigail, as she proudly shows off the first clam she ever dug up. This picture was taken at Piccadilly Park, Newfoundland during our visit this summer.   Submitted By: Amanda Kosher (nee: Brake)

Prescription Required!

A lady walks into a pharmacy and asks the pharmacist for a bottle of cyanide to poison her husband. The pharmacist replies “Oh my goodness, I can’t sell you a bottle of cyanide for that! I’d be charged with accessory to murder…why on earth would you want to murder your husband?” The lady opens her…

Prescription Required!

A lady walks into a pharmacy and asks the pharmacist for a bottle of cyanide to poison her husband. The pharmacist replies “Oh my goodness, I can’t sell you a bottle of cyanide for that! I’d be charged with accessory to murder…why on earth would you want to murder your husband?” The lady opens her…