Sit a spell

Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Harbour Grace, NL

Nature’s Painting

Went to Jean Lake in Wabush, The Rapids at one end has one side always open and another ice over. Well the iced over side is thawing. And Nature gave me a capture that so looks like a painting. But that’s what nature does. Creates beauty. Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Jean Lake, Wabush,…

Pancake Ice

Phot was recently shot at The Ryan Premises during sunrise. Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Bonavista, NL.

Corner of the Iceberg

This is a large Iceberg out off Ladle Cove. A friend took me out in boat to see this. Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Ladle Cove

Drove out in the Icehouse!!

Instead of being drove out in the doghouse, da wife drove me out in the icehouse!! Lol 😂 Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Bonavista