North Atlantic Aviation Museum
#1 attraction on TripAdvisor in Gander! A variety of artifacts and displays chronicling Gander’s role in development of transatlantic aviation, from the 1930s through Come From Away 9/11, including steel recovered from the World Trade Center Twin Towers. Airframes include a 1940s canvas-covered Tiger Moth biplane, North America’s last intact Lockheed Hudson Bomber and other military and civilian aircraft. Aircraft engines, machine guns, interactive displays, flight simulator, and gift shop.
- Interpretation or Visitor's Centre
- Tours
- Museum
- Public Washrooms
- Accessible Washrooms
- Baby Changing Stations
- Gift & Souvenir Store
- Air Conditioning
- Free Wi-Fi
- Free Parking
- Picnic Tables
- Pet Friendly
- Venue Space
- Accepts Credit Card
- Accepts Debit
- Accepts Cash
- Senior's Rates
- English
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