A Lost Child

Throwback to the Fireside Yarn published in the September 1998 issue of Downhome Magazine. A Lost Child by Edith Burrage   A very long time ago in the early 1800s, there lived a man named Michael Howley. Mr. Howley was a very distinguished gentleman, and owned all the land on the road side by the…

Death Tokens and the Strange Case of Mrs. Dower

Throwback to the Fireside Yarn published in the July 1998 issue of Downhome Magazine. Death Tokens and the Strange Case of Mrs. Dower by Dale G. Jarvis   Newfoundland has a great tradition of what are known as death tokens. A death token is where a person becomes aware, through some paranormal means, that a…

The Strange Tale of the Bristol Hope

Throwback to the Fireside Yarn published in the October 1996 issue of Downhome Magazine. The Strange Tale of the Bristol Hope From the book Ghost Stories from Newfoundland Folklore by Alice Lannon and Mike McCarthy. This unexplained event at Harbour Breton occurred in the spring of 1867, and involved a ship belonging to the Newman…