Home Ice Advantage

By Pam Pardy As Todd Skirving prepared to suit up for his fifth season with the Newfoundland Growlers, an ECHL franchise of the Toronto Maple Leafs, he admitted to experiencing a somewhat healthy case of the jitters. “It’s always exciting, or maybe it is nervous energy, whatever you want to call it. Just getting to…

Waste Not Want Not

Even if you only go through a litre of milk a week, buy the 2 L cartons for the better price. Freeze milk in cleaned out, recycled 500 ml bottles (eg. water or sports drink bottles). Move one from the freezer to the fridge the day before you need it. Once thawed, just shake it…

Wintry Weather Signs

On any given day in this province, the weather is a guaranteed to come up in conversation, whether it’s about the current conditions or the forecast. Old wives and salty dogs alike swear by certain signs of upcoming weather, and our lore is so rich there are even rhymes about weather omens to help us…

Handcrafted Heirloom

This rug was hooked by our mother, Lucina (Daly) Hearn, when she was 20 years old – about 90 years ago. At that time, it won second prize in a rug-hooking contest in the Avalon area. Lucinda Daly was born in 1913 in Mall Bay, St. Mary’s Bay, NL. There her family raised a few…