Love Gone Wrong

 Our readers bare their stories, and a poem, of romance gone awry! Hunt for Romance By Karen R. Doyle, Saint John, NB On our 25th wedding anniversary our daughters sent us to PEI with an all-expense paid weekend. I wanted to do something even better for our 26th. I planned a scavenger hunt for my…

Toque Talk

What do you think of when you hear the word “toque”? Is it even a word that you use? Maybe, like many of us of a certain age, you associate toques with the hats worn by those “hosers” Bob and Doug McKenzie (Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas, respectively), hosts of the 1980s “Great Canadian North”…

A Tale of Two Pearls

Newfoundland and Singapore’s surprising connection runs deeper than just British colonialism. By Dale Jarvis In my travels, I often come across interesting tales from Newfoundland and Labrador. Where I did not expect to learn one was in Korea. I was there in the fall of 2019, representing Heritage NL at a world conference on intangible…

Seals vs. Cod

Wildlife technician Todd Hollett shares research that connects the dots between surging seal populations and struggling cod stocks. By Todd Hollett When I was a child, I spent many hours out on the salt water with my father and grandfather trying to jig a fish. The fish, of course, was the Atlantic Cod (Gadusmorhua). My…

Foresight 2020

Some things to look forward to in the year ahead. Year of the Rat If you follow Chinese astrology, the Year of the (Metal) Rat begins on January 24, 2020. As the rat is the first in the 12 animal signs of the Chinese zodiac, this will be a year of new beginnings. Buying a…

Mercedes the Matriarch

Tony the Tailor’s widow, now 87, still keeps the family in stitches.By Karen Silver My grandfather, Tony Silver – better known as Tony the Tailor, had been interviewed for almost every local publication before his 2010 death, including a CBC “Land and Sea” episode in 2006. My nan was never shy of the attention, yet…

Plan Your Escape

This is the time of year when many of us “northerners” plan our annual pilgrimage to somewhere sunny and warm, to bask on the beach and wade in the water. Winter has its charms, and for many of us that includes a much anticipated vacation down South. To make the trip less stressful and perhaps…

Between the Boulevard and the Bay: Our Colourful Language

The language of Newfoundland and Labrador is very colourful. We regularly use alliteration, onomatopoeias, metaphors, similes, puns and hyperboles – not that most of us realize it. Many of us have never heard of these communication devices and couldn’t define them if asked, but we use them in sentences every day. Especially hyperboles. Newfoundlanders and…