A Goose Bay Sunset!
This is a picture taken by Lynn Hickey of Goose Bay Lab, on a warm summer’s evening….What a site! Submitted By: Shelley Hagerty
This is a picture taken by Lynn Hickey of Goose Bay Lab, on a warm summer’s evening….What a site! Submitted By: Shelley Hagerty
Andrew and Cousin Chelsey, went for there first BIRD hunt and what a suprise they got! Both as proud as can be holding there Partridges. Submitted By: Shelley Hagerty
Talk about a COOL little dude! Not a bit shy for the camera is he?!?!? Submitted By: Shelley Hagerty
This is Andrew in Peacock School Happy Valley, they were having a Labrador traditions week in school and this is what he Brought for show and tell, Little people on snow shoes too CUTE! Submitted By: Shelley Hagerty
This is Dash our 3 month old puppy, who sit’s like this most time’s when wanting ANYTHING! He surley know’s how to beg, He’s just the cutest…. Submitted By: Shelley Hagerty