
After our wedding on August 8, 2009 we ventured to Ramea, NL for part one of our Newife honeymoon. A family friend, Sam Pink took us fishing and my husband, Chris, was so excited about his catch that he kissed it once we were ashore.   Submitted By: Jennifer MacDonald

Everything including the kitchen sink

You never know what you will find in the harbours and coves in Newfoundland. When visiting my uncle, Wayne MacDonald in Grand Bruit this summer I found everything in the cove… including the kitchen sink.   Submitted By: Jennifer MacDonald

Watch This!

One afternoon in Ramea during the Come Home Year celebrations 2009 my husband, Chris Doody and I took our nieces and nephews to the outdoor swimming pool. The kids were playing a game of copycat when Chris tried this move.   Submitted By: Jennifer MacDonald