Sit a spell

Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Harbour Grace, NL

Beautiful El Castillo

Tulum, Quintana Roo (Mexico) – the first Mayan city discovered by the Spaniard conquerors in the 16th century and the only walled Mayan city known to exist on the seashore. Apogeo 800 d.C. – 1550 d.C Zeith 800 AD – 1550 AD The ruins are situated on 12-meter (39 ft) tall cliffs, along the east…

Evening Whale

This picture was taken August 2012 while on vacation to Nain, Labrador with my family. I enjoy taking pictures of everything and the bird on the rock just adds to the photo of the whale (not knowing the seagull was in the photo until we uploaded our pictures). We hope everyone enjoys this picture as…

On the Way to Natuashish, Labrador

This photo is stunning! The exact location is unknown but it’s flying between Nain to Natuashish at the end of August 2012. The beauty in the water and mountains is showing and not visible to all unless you’re flying over. One of my postcard photos as I call them. The “Big Land” is MUCH bigger…