Devin at Ochre Pit I

A picture of my 11-year-old grandson, Devin Tucker, taken at Ochre Pit Cove, Conception Bay, while we were visting Newfoundland this past August.   Submitted By: NULL

Dakota & Madison

A picture of a couple of charmers. This is my ten-year-old grandaughter, Dakota, holding my two-day-old little charmer, Madison.   Submitted By: NULL


A picture of Kayleigh, my granddaughter, seventeen months old. Here she is trying on her new hat.   Submitted By: NULL

A Beethoven in the Works? Not Yet…

A picture of my granddaughter, Kayleigh Tucker: she is seventeen months old. She thinks she can play the piano; maybe she will in a year or two.   Submitted By: NULL

Dakota Dominates Downhome

It seems that everyone wants to read my Downhome Magazine. Here is my ten-year-old granddaughter, Dakota, who finds it very interesting. I have a hard time to get it to read myself.   Submitted By: NULL