Pop’s little farmer

Little Cody coming from Pop’s greenhouse with a load of peppers and cucumbers but couldn’t wait till he got to the house to try by the looks of the little bites in a cucumber. Trying to look as innocent as possible. Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Fox Island River, NL

Found a Gold Mine

Untouched and ripe delicious Bakeapples, as far as the eye can see. Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Quirpon, NL

Keeper of the corn

Tuukka loves sniffing out the garden. The corn plants are his favorite! Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Gander, NL

Old Salt Box

Old saltbox house in the fall Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Near Broad cove on the Baccalieu hHghway

Sunset on the trail

Taken one evening during a walk on a trail in Conne Pond, NL Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Conne Pond, NL