The Eagle has Landed

I captured this picture while travelling on the New Harbour Barrens last summer. We had to stop the car rather quickly and I took the snap in a hurry hoping that I had caught this magnificent bird in my lens. I was very pleased that I had before it took off again.   Submitted By:…

The Eagle Has Landed

I snapped this picture in a hurry while driving across the New Harbour Barren early July. When we first spotted it, it was in flight, and then landed on the tree top. There was actually two of them but the second soared away.   Submitted By: Bernice Coffey

The Eagle Has Landed

This is the second picture I took of an earlier submission of and eagle I saw while travelling on the New Harbour Barrens, early July. I had to snap it in a hurry and am quite surprised how it did not turn out blurry!   Submitted By: Bernice Coffey

Bohemian Waxwing in my Backyard

While preparing supper on February 3rd, 2011 I heard a noise outside and looked out and saw a variety of birds, munching berries off my Princess Holly plant in my backyard. I just received a new camera for Christmas, and it was sitting on the counter, so I grabbed it and started shooting random pictures….

Cedar Waxwing in North River, NL

This feathered visitor stopped by for a lunch of berries on my Princess Holly plant on February 3, 2011 after that big snowfall the night before.   Submitted By: Bernice Coffey