Found a Gold Mine
Untouched and ripe delicious Bakeapples, as far as the eye can see. Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Quirpon, NL
Untouched and ripe delicious Bakeapples, as far as the eye can see. Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Quirpon, NL
Our grandson was in your Downhomer 2016 ,thought it would be nice to see how he has grown over the years and how he views the berry differntly while visiting his grandparents Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Trout Cove,St.Augustin.Quebec
By Loulou
I went to pick some bakeapples with a couple of friends in St. Lewis, Labrador, what a fun time it was! Got enough to make some jam for myself. yummy. Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: St. Lewis, Labrador