Standing tall

Otter standing tall to get a better look  Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: labrador City

Night Lights

Light Pillars lighting up the night skies over Wabush Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: labrador City

Grub time

Willow Ptarmigan enjoying the day and the grub Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: labrador City

When Eyes Meet

Always a pleasure crossing paths with these little ones. Photographed today, January 14, 2025.  Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Bonavista, NL

Under the FogBow

A beautiful coating of Rime Frost as well as a FogBow here in Labrador City on the 14th of Jan 2025. From this position it looks like its coming right from the Catholic Basilica  Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Labrador City, NL

Surf Waves at Middle Cove Beach

Waves at Middle Cove Beach were wild on Sunday January 12, 2025. They were at least 6 feet high or more Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Middle Cove Beach

Angry Waves

angry waves that are as scary as they are beautiful Image Upload: Location, Place , Whereabouts: Middle Cove, NL