A real bummer

My first 14 years teaching was  in St. Michael’s High School GFW, an all boys school, run by the Christian Brothers. In 1982, St Catherine’s girls High School amalamated with our school and the teachers from both schools began teaching boys and girls but in separate classes. Of course during my first day of teaching…

Boiled Chaos

My new roommate in St John’s had just moved from a boarding house in the ‘70’s.  A very pleasant girl , she told me she knew very little about cooking and had an incident at her boarding house.  She and her landlady were watching tv when my friend became hungry due to missing her supper….

Shearing Situation

A few years ago I visited two of my friends that were shearing their sheep. They had the sheep up on the table. They said to me can you come here and help us. I said yes what do you need me to do. They said can you hold the sheep sack so I said…

Christmas Character

When I was teaching in Northern BC in 1969, in December, I asked the grade 5 class to draw a Christmas picture.  One boy drew his version of the Nativity Scene, but in the corner he had drawn what looked like a snowman.  I said: “Ernie, I don’t remember the Bible talking about a snowman…

Tractor Tales

Joke told to me by my father-in-law, who was born in Markland in a farming family. A farmer from Newfoundland meets a farmer from Texas at a farming convention. The Texan boasts, “Yep, when ah git in ma tractor and start drivin’, it takes all day to get from one end of ma property t’other.”…

Identity Crisis

A few years ago, before automation, I was standing in line at the West Jet check-in counter when a man in a 3-piece suit, carrying a brief case, went to the front of the line and demanded: “I need to get on this flight now. Will you help me?”.  The attendant said: “I am sorry…

The Motorhome

I was at my cabin this past weekend. My sister who is next door to me was expecting company for the weekend. I was out in my yard and a motorhome pulled up in her yard. A man got out and had a smoke and talked to my brother in law. I seen him look…

Bread Bowl

When she was in grade one, my daughter’s teacher asked my sister to come make homemade bread for the class. So my sister took everything to make the bread to school. When she started to make the bread, my daughter said, “Aunt Agnes, that’s the bowl you cleans Max (her dog) in.” “No,” my sister…

Funny Frames

My friend and I went shopping on a bright sunny day. Both of us wear similar large sunglasses that you put on over your regular glasses. Finally we stopped at the last store. I waited while she went in alone. I found the sunshine extra bright, so I reached down and put on the sunglasses….

Two to Lou

Some years back a local Grand Falls enforcement officer, Constable Lou Horwood, received a call from car number 2 regarding an ongoing break-in. His rather quick call came out a number of times as ” two to Lou (toodleloo). Many local people began to tell the story which Constable Horwood himself also found humourous. One…